Monday, November 05, 2007

Writer's Guild Strike Roundup

Writers Held Hostage: Day 1

Here's the latest:

- The first fallout from the strike - the late-night talk shows have gone dark. There will be no more fresh episodes of Jay Leno, David Letterman, The Daily Show, or Stephen Colbert until further notice. Ellen DeGeneres did not tape her show today, showing support for the strikers.

- Noted people on the picket line: Tina Fey (30 Rock) in New York and Greg Daniels (The Office) in Los Angeles.

- Presidential canadiate Barack Obama (D-Ill.) shows his support for the writers.

- The first casualty of the strike may have happened: The remainder of Scrubs' final season may be scrubbed out.

- Production of CBS' Cane was shut down temporarily because of the invasion of striking writers.

- Can a strike save TV? Ben Grossman from B&C on why the TV industry - like radio - is in serious trouble.

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