To no one's surprise, WKQX-FM (Q101.1) has thrown what's left of the Morning Fix under the bus and ran over Alan Cox and Jim Lynam in the process. The duo were axed from Q101.1 after today's show and are being replaced by the afternoon team of Brian Sherman and Steve Tingle.
The Morning Fix debuted on September 18, 2006 (the same day this blog opened for business) to replace Mancow Mueller's show at the alternative rock station, and featured a large cast. It was cut down to just two last Novemeber after anemic ratings and poor reviews. Tingle, who was part of the original Morning Fix cast moved to afternoons with Brian Sherman.
UPDATE: Robert Feder weighs in, and somewhere, Mancow Mueller is laughing. Here is a press release touting Q 101.1's new morning show.
Last year, Q101.1 had a clever billboard campaign featuring Bob Barker telling listeners to "get fixed", as a promotion of The Morning Fix. Ironically, Barker was in Chicago this week in front of the City Council to testify in support of an ordinance that would force owners to spay and neuter their pets.

Thought: Unless you're doing a structured play or a scripted drama or comedy (like they use to do in the 1930's and 1940's - think The Great Gildersleeve and Amos n' Andy), a semi-scripted radio show with a large cast does not work. The format is too confusing for listeners and they are not looking for a Saturday Night Live-type program in morning drive. WKQX recognized this and axed all but two of the cast, but it was too late. It was a format best suited for the tube (if it's funny and more than often it wasn't), and not for radio.
Ironically, I thought The Morning Fix was already canceled when they let most of the cast go.
Updated 10:28 p.m.
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