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Friday, February 06, 2009
T Dog's Four Pack
T Dog's Fab Four:
- Bones. The procedural's move to Thursday nights finally puts Fox on the map with a 3.2 A18-49 rating, defeating ABC's Ugly Betty.
- NCIS. How can a repeat of this program draw more than 10 million viewers on Tuesday night?
- The FCC. No, you're not reading a misprint. The FCC decided not to investigate how 30 seconds of porn wound up on a Comcast cable feed last Sunday in Tuscon, Ariz. (3rd item), interrupting the Super Bowl because it doesn't have jurisdiction. I guess common sense has returned to the agency since Kevin Martin left.
- Super Bowl XLIII. What a game! And what about those numbers? 98.7 million viewers, the most watched Super Bowl ever (I think.) And how about Santonio Holmes and that touchdown catch? Congratulations, Pittsburgh - Six Super Bowl titles!
T Dog's Flop Four
- Michael Phelps. What was he thinking?
- Warner Saunders. Seriously, what was he thinking ?
- DTV transition pushed back to June 12. This means Chicago viewers of CBS-owned WBBM-TV - which nobody can get on an over-the-air digital TV - won't be able to switch to digital Channel 12 from Channel 3 until June 12, meaning no Big Bang Theory or Survivor or other WBBM programming in OTA HD for anyone in the Windy City until then. - Michael Wilbon. Okay, So you didn't like the Coke Zero Super Bowl ad - or the Super Bowl commercials, or popular culture, or anything fun. This, from someone who thinks Jim Belushi has talent. What do you know about talent?
Instead of calling for those behind the Coke Zero ad to be fired, how about YOU being fired? You can hang out with your BFF Warner Saunders after his retirement, reminiscing about the days the both of you were constantly screwed over by the press, and I hope it's soon, you arrogant prick. And that goes for your equally dumb-as-shit co-host Tony Kornhiser as well.
For a person who claims he had a Catholic high school education here in Chicago (like I did), you sure aren't showing any. And by the way, tuck in your shirt.
- Anonymous said...
I'm actually glad that "NCIS" pulls in huge numbers, even in repeats, against "American Idol." Something scripted has to have legs up against that reality show. For me personally, "American Idol" has worn out its welcome.
Regarding WBBM-TV, I'm confused by your post about not being able to move to digital Channel 12 from Channel 3. Sorry, what does Channel 3 and Channel 12 have to do with Channel 2? Doesn't Channel 2 use digital Channel 2.1 similar to how WGN-TV has Channel 9.1? Thanks for any clarification/explanation. Also, it's amazing how a major market station like CBS's WBBM-TV cannot seem to get its act together. I think former head Joe Ahern thought the move to their new headquarters would simply do the trick. Now they have a new news director who, according to the Chicago Sun-Times' Lewis Lazare, thinks a taste test of coffee is major news in Chicago. My how Channel 2 news has fallen since the glory days of Bill Kurtis and Walter Jacobson. Can it really be that difficult to put on a quality newscast in Chicago? -
4:06 AM
- T Dog said...
Copy these links and paste to your browser: (1)§ion=2
Hopefully, this should explain it all. The poor reception may have something to do with WBBM's current digital channel assignment of Channel 3. -
6:48 PM
And this delay is supposed to help whom again?