Monday, April 27, 2009

The T Dog Media Blog is now on Twitter

When the T Dog Media Blog launched on September 18, 2006, the mission was to provide you with media news in an informative - and funny bent.

But since September (when yours truly finally found a real job), he hasn't had much time to tend to the site - you used to see updates on here featuring even the most menial stories. What was 80 posts a month is now only 30, at best.

But now there's a solution: Twitter. Yes, yours truly has joined the social networking revolution, for better or worse. He's dived into the social networking pool and hopes he doesn't get wrinkled from staying in too long.

Beginning today, you'll see media tidbits with the one-line zingers and the sharp commentary you'd expect from The T Dog Media Blog - only in 140 characters (or less) bursts. Think of it as The T Dog Media Blog Express. You'll find the link to the Twitter page on The Sidebar, to the right - or at the bottom of this post.

Of course, yours truly will continue to post items here, including major media news stories along with T Dog's Groovy Grab Bag, T Dog's Four Pack, and The T Dog Media Blog Think Tank.

So come on, follow yours truly on Twitter as we deluge into the deep pool of media - hopefully, you'll come out with a smile on your face.

The T Dog Media Blog on Twitter - a better media news source is here... or not

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