Here's Ben "Party All The Time" Silverman now, driving the Losermobile for another pathetic season at Nothing But Crap. All Aboard!
Pathetic, weak, terrible. And that just explains Heroes and Parks and Recreation. But no Chuck - at least not yet. Easy call to renew the Amy Poheler tripe but couldn't renew a show with a rabid fan following. Typical of Ben "Clippers Ballboy" Silverman, who seems to can't get anything right.
NBC announced their 2009-10 lineup today, with just two hours on weeknights (remember, Jay Leno has the 9 p.m. slot.)
The only worthwhile program announced even remotely interesting is the Chevy Chase vehicle Community, about the misadventures of a group of nerds and geeks at a community college (anything with nerds and geeks in it, you know I'm there.)
Out are Kath & Kim and Life. My Name Is Earl is also gone. Deal or No Deal will air exclusively in syndication this fall.
Click here for NBC's fall lineup.
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